Nez Issue 9 - Around the World

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Nez Issue 9 - Around the World


The first ever periodical to be dedicated to scent and the sense of smell. Bringing together articles, interviews, surveys and critical analysis with an olfactory focus, Nez challenges us to use our noses to explore the world.

Art, literature, science, history, perfume… Nez is unique in its diverse and informative approach and helps us understand how our sense of smell connects us to the world.

On a planet where borders often blur, fueled by globalization, what role do scents play? Simultaneously universal yet culturally specific, how do they contribute to our heritage? How do raw materials and fragrant compositions travel? This ninth issue of Nez takes you on an olfactory journey around the world through the prism of history, anthropology, science, art, literature, trade and marketing. The final destination? A greater understanding of the power that the sense of smell has in our lives.

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